I’m just wondering how much in average people spend on kittens/ cats per month?
I would pay insurance in full for a year so wouldn’t need to include that I’m thinking mainly food, toys, cat litter etc.
Firstly kittens cost more to start with usually because they need to be neutered, wormed, vaccinated, and have all the initial caring for cat items… forgot what these are since my cat is now 12 but it could include things like a bed, some basic toys, bowls, blankets and anything else such as something tailored to your cats specific needs.
After those initial costs you’re looking at food as a constant cost, the annual vet check up (strongly recommended) with vaccine, and the occasional toy/bed/treats e.t.c.
It depends on if you want to splurge on your cat or not.
You should get a good quality cat food too, research cats very well so that you have a good understanding (if you intend to get a kitten/cat…. old cats really need owners too ) of their health and what to do in emergencies e.t.c Plus I strongly recommend you research into cat nutrition and their diet, so many brands sell absolute crap these days, at first when you research it can be overwhelming because you may not know anything, but don’t let that put you off, over time you will build up knowledge..there may be a lot out there and you may feel it’s not worth researching because of that but trust me every detail helps and you will gradually build up helpful information. A good diet is essential for your cats health, remember cats hide pain.
You don’t want any with grains, fillers, additives or preservatives in e.t.c or loads of synthetic vitamins. It’s just feeding your cat junk food which will make your cat uncomfortable.
Dry food is strongly not recommended, maybe a little here and there but it’s not recommended you regularly give it to them.
Quality cat foods do not have to cost a lot, you just have to research the cheaper places to buy the i.e online or in special stores. The one I currently buy is called Natures Menu and that costs around £5 for each box, so approx £5 a week
Course of worming:£10 (not too sure on price, you could research this)
Vaccinated: approx £30 (depends on the vet and you might have the vaccine and worming & neutering done in one session so it will be cheaper, but consultations usually start from £30)
–Say all that’s done together it would cost around £90 maybe, it depends on the vet, probably a bit more because a kitten has to have a few injections before he/she can go out.
Bed:£5 (optional, but your cat should have at least one good place to go)
Litter tray & cat litter:£5 (Even if you have an outdoor cat it’s always good to have these on hand for what ever reason i.e keeping you kitten in until allowed to go outside)
Bowls:£6 (you’ll need a few- always give a fresh bowl/plate a day- it’s recommended that you get ones designed for their whiskers, these cost the same)
& anything else I haven’t thought of.
After all initial kitten cost.
Just food averaging £20 a month.
And pet insurance or at least put some savings away that mean you have some funds available if your cat ever needs to go to the vets. Never get a kitten that you can’t financially cover.
+ £30-40 for annual consultation and vaccine.
Hope that helps, sorry it was lengthy.
If you look online there are tonnes of websites with so much information that will help you and give guidance. So I wont recommend one.
Remember a cat/kitten needs LOTS of love and attention too, they may be independent but they still need slots of emotional love
P.s Make sure you do some research on cat little, i did a little a while ago when my cat was ill and had to keep her in but i forgot about it, but research into the clays used e.t.c as some are dangerous and your cat will digest it when they lick their paws, so make sure you get one you know is safe.. and not just because it says so on the label.. people can sell anything these days.
Category: toys for cats | 10 Comments »