Ragdoll Cat Plays with Gaileo Catnip Toys – ねこ – ラグドール – Floppycats
You can learn more about Caymus and Murphy: http://www.floppycats.com/caymus-and-murphy.html
Caymus and Murphy are from Bluegrass Rags Cattery in Kentucky http://bluegrassrags.com/
Do you have a Ragdoll Cat? Submit your Ragdoll cat for Ragdoll of the Week on Floppycats.com, here are the guidelines: http://www.floppycats.com/ragdoll-of-the-week.html
Thinking of adopting a Ragdoll cat? Check out our book A Ragdoll Kitten Care Guide: Bringing Your Ragdoll Kitten Home: http://www.floppycats.com/a-ragdoll-kitten-care-guide-bringing-your-ragdoll-kitten-home or watch our video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9j9fo-CV2c
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Duration : 0:2:16
June 19th, 2012 at 2:28 am
Ooh. Now I get it.
Ooh. Now I get it.
June 19th, 2012 at 2:28 am
inside and outside. …
inside and outside…they just don’t roam the house during the day.
June 19th, 2012 at 2:28 am
I love your moms …
I love your moms cats, just as much as yousrs.
So where do the dogs stay during the day? I’m confused and interested.