
Will catnip spray attract my cats to their toys more?

Lately, my cats havn’t played much and have been bored with their toys. I was thinking about buying catnip spray. Would it attract them so they’d play with them?

It might. The spray is not as potent as the herb itself. You can also put some catnip in a plastic bag, add the toys, and either shake it up or let them sit awhile — then toss them out to your cats.

Cats get bored with their toys just like kids do. One idea is to rotate them. Put a few away for awhile, then switch them and hopefully they’ll seem like brand new toys. Attach a toy to a string — a very thick, strong string that would be difficult for them to chew through and ingest or choke on — and hang it from a doorknob or doorway. Be sure to put it away somewhere safe when you’re not around to supervise. Put a toy in each of the places they like to nap, especially if it’s somewhere up high. The surprise might entice them to play. Finally, make up toys as you go along: plastic ring from a milk jug, small crumpled pieces of paper, a plastic bag (cut thru the handles first so they can’t get caught in them), a paper bag with some catnip sprinkled inside, etc.

3 Responses to “Will catnip spray attract my cats to their toys more?”

  1. crissy Says:

    i think
    References :

  2. beachwriter Says:

    It might. The spray is not as potent as the herb itself. You can also put some catnip in a plastic bag, add the toys, and either shake it up or let them sit awhile — then toss them out to your cats.

    Cats get bored with their toys just like kids do. One idea is to rotate them. Put a few away for awhile, then switch them and hopefully they’ll seem like brand new toys. Attach a toy to a string — a very thick, strong string that would be difficult for them to chew through and ingest or choke on — and hang it from a doorknob or doorway. Be sure to put it away somewhere safe when you’re not around to supervise. Put a toy in each of the places they like to nap, especially if it’s somewhere up high. The surprise might entice them to play. Finally, make up toys as you go along: plastic ring from a milk jug, small crumpled pieces of paper, a plastic bag (cut thru the handles first so they can’t get caught in them), a paper bag with some catnip sprinkled inside, etc.
    References :
    cat shelter volunteer; cats all my life

  3. kubism05 Says:

    In my experience, the catnip spray doesn’t really do anything for my cat.
    References :

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