
Make Homemade Cat Toys : Make Cat Toys Out of Socks

Make homemade cat toys out of socks in this free video.

Expert: Grace Fitzpatrick
Bio: Grace Fitzpatrick has studied ventriloquism for years and is a trained improv actor. She uses the illusion of “throwing” her voice to entertain children at parties.
Filmmaker: David Jackel

Duration : 0:2:38

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25 Responses to “Make Homemade Cat Toys : Make Cat Toys Out of Socks”

  1. vladokiller100 Says:

    I wonder whats her …
    I wonder whats her IQ?

  2. mandoob Says:

    Thanks for your …
    Thanks for your idea, I did it with my cat, but unfortunetely, she attacked my hand, Thanks Allah I used a thick sock. but I think its healthy to get a cat angry from time to time. Thanks any way, Now I can protect my hands when play with my cat.

  3. karlaf1000 Says:

    min’s not loading :(
    min’s not loading :(

  4. ariel7225 Says:

    so your sayng you …
    so your sayng you want us to make our cats attack our hand… sure, that makes a WHOLE lot of sense….

  5. FAiLCAKeS919 Says:

    umm cool vid. just …
    umm cool vid. just like, dont make it sound like you are giving the mayor a toy. its a cat. lol. i no they are like equal to human and alls, but still. its not that scientific. they like rats and a sock somehow replicates that rat they like to beat on. see yaz.

  6. desirecaballer Says:

    She has good i deay …
    She has good i deay, my cat loves it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. johntkucz Says:

    very doctorly sorta …
    very doctorly sorta, sorta pretty yeah, but yeah, being more concise is good.

  8. johntkucz Says:

    LMAO i didn’t even …
    LMAO i didn’t even envision what that would look like nor the relevance to this video but the phrase “replace cat with p*nis” ANYWHERE is frickin hilarous!!! wtf?!! LOL!! xD.

  9. BashFeri1 Says:

    my cat doesnt like …
    my cat doesnt like socks…
    my cat wont attack my hand…
    she doesnt even like to be held, yet she goes crazy about foil paper balls, i throw one and she brings it back
    i have a fetch cat

  10. thakidmotive Says:

    do u understand of …
    do u understand of retarded u sound….

  11. thakidmotive Says:

    id like to see her …
    id like to see her use some of her toys, if u know what i mean

  12. zoed057 Says:

    jeezzz… who …
    jeezzz… who doesnt know how to do this…. ????

  13. pkdee87 Says:

    good one
    good one

  14. crackfiendables Says:

    so true it says …
    so true it says that shes a ventriloquist which makes sense because shes a total puppet

  15. qriusgeorge Says:

    grace fitzpatrick …
    grace fitzpatrick is hot.

    one of my home made toys is balled up paper. my cat would hang out in my home office, and when i’d ball up paper and throw it out, he would sometimes catch it mid flight to the garbage can and wrestle with it for awhile.

  16. SexiiBen Says:

    I wouldn’t she …
    I wouldn’t she looks kinda manly

  17. brate8033 Says:

    Do it! haha …
    Do it! haha halarious!

  18. alicebambi Says:

    This is hilarious!
    This is hilarious!

  19. joshuaschool Says:

    my cat goes crazy …
    my cat goes crazy about socks

  20. pkdee87 Says:

    “i think cats …
    “i think cats really like that” what are u an expert or a gusser make a desion lomo u no noing and r not an expert or confident

  21. MartianAir Says:

    replace cat with p* …
    replace cat with p*nis.

  22. 1SOF1 Says:

    ‘I like to put my …
    ‘I like to put my hand in it, like a puppet.’ LOL…. Id be more interested in this video if you took off your top.

  23. dianarothenberg Says:

    my dog wil love it …
    my dog wil love it lol

  24. renata729 Says:

    this is SO useless! …
    this is SO useless!!! how about making a video saying you should use a fork when you eat, it;s convenient, you won’t get your fingers messy!!! :-O

    P.S. can imagine cat sock toys laying around the house, i bet that looks good!! top idea… :P

  25. Ladyceltic1989 Says:

    You should have …
    You should have mentioned to put catnip in the sock before you tie it. Most cats love catnip and it can’t hurt them. It will make them go even more crazy over the sock toy. If your cat doesn’t care much for catnip you can just put cotton balls in it. It gives them more to chew on.

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