See Caymus playing with a Honeysuckle Cat Toy:
You can buy Honeysuckle Catnip Toys from Kitty Kottage:
Learn more about Charlie here:
Learn more about Trigg here:
Charlie and Trigg are from Soulmate Ragdolls Cattery in Salisbury, NC:
Do you have a Ragdoll Cat? Submit your Ragdoll cat for [...]
Posted under catnip toys. Tags: buy catnip, cat, catnip, catnip for sale, catnip plant, catnip toys, cats, cats on catnip, cute, floppycats, funny, Gaileo, Gaileo Catnip Toys, kitten, kittens, nip cat, organic cat products, organic pet toys, product review, ragdoll, ragdoll cat, Ragdoll Cats, steiff1001, tickle pickle, tickle pickle catnip, tickle pickle catnip toy, tipsy nip, toys, ねこ, ラグドールねこ. Comments: 5