
What do you think about whole-prey feeding for cats?

Personal thoughts: I’m sure they love eating live critters but finding the leftovers would gross me out too much, especially considering I find cat toys in my bed every night. I think you probably want to have a backyard if you do this.
Laurie, people who feed whole-prey use captive bred prey animals so they don’t have diseases or parasites. It’s like the mice they sell for feeding snakes.

I feed whole prey whenever I can afford to.

The worst that’s happened is BeBe likes to throw his kill around for a while and he’s hit me with a dead mouse before lol

no mess after

6 Responses to “What do you think about whole-prey feeding for cats?”

  1. Fred Says:

    Personally, I feed my cats a subsistence diet of cat food and let them out into the yard (they wander throughout the neighborhood) so they can catch whatever else they want to eat.

    Some days they have a good hunt and aren’t too concerned about the cat food, other days they didn’t catch anything and they’re happy to get the cat food.

    Under no circumstances are they allowed to bring dead critters into the house.
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  2. Lisa Says:

    I don’t know if it’s very sanitary for my house and if it’s safe for them. I know a lot of very educated people say it’s the best diet for them but I don’t want to take risks. But then again, even the best canned food can be bad. But I just feel more comfortable sticking to canned food. I tried feeding my cats raw meat but they weren’t as interested as they are when I feed them Wellness or EVO.
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  3. theeyeofthehawk Says:

    Cats are too finicky eaters, they would rather play with their food and dump it on the floor for you to find.
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  4. Laurie Says:

    Well lets see. If you want your cat to be subject to an assortment of diseases, worms, ticks, mites and other dangers this would be the way to go. But since most of us are caring pet owners, we choose not to do this. lol
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  5. Om Nom nom! Says:

    I feed whole prey whenever I can afford to.

    The worst that’s happened is BeBe likes to throw his kill around for a while and he’s hit me with a dead mouse before lol

    no mess after
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  6. . Says:

    If all the cat is eating is live prey there are no leftovers. My cats both eat wild mice out on the sidewalk that runs up the side of the house. When they are done there is not so much as a drop of blood. Everything is consumed.
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